This Saturday is Bookstore Romance Day, a day designed to give independent bookstores an opportunity to celebrate Romance fiction—its books, readers, and writers.
We asked Elsie, our biggest romance fan, to recommend some of her favorites. Elsie loves classic romances, but she also has a fondness for Betty Neels, a Harlequin Romance favorite. We hope these selections give you a moment of love and a romantic read.
My Antonia by Willa Cather
The first book in the Great Plains Trilogy -- follow Antonia and her story as told by her tutor and disappointed admirer, Jim Burden.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jane becomes a governess and falls in love…”Isn’t it romantic” the greatest romances!
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Tall dark husband, innocent young wife...while the late and hauntingly beautiful Rebecca lurks.
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
How can you beat this one?
Valentine for Daisy & The Awakened Heart by Betty Neels
Ms. Neels 100+ romance novels featured doctor/nurse romances, usually with English nurses and Dutch surgeons. I devoured them.